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Review of The Six Million Dollar Man Season Six, Issue 2

It's one thing to come out of the gate on a comic with a storyline that grabs your attention. It's another thing to keep the momentum going when a month seperates the release of the next issue. Sometimes, I can understand why some people wait for the trade paperbacks of a comic as the story is all collected.

In the case of the second issue of The Six Million Dollar Man, I'm glad I'm not waiting for the entire story. This is too good to wait for a collected work.

The story continues with the recovered space satellite now in the hands of the OSI. But it picked up a passenger along the way and that passenger doesn't appear to play well with humans. Meanwhile Steve is sent on a new mission that looks like he's not expected to return from. And then there's MASKATRON on the loose and Barney Hiller has to deal with him.

There's a lot going on here, but writer James Kuhoric ties it all nicely together so that you don't feel like it's forced or rushed. I could see this as an episode of the series. The dialogue is perfect for the characters. (My only nitpick is that I can't see Steve having internal monologues as so many comic book characters do. Jaime, yes, but not Steve. His actions, from a simple cock of his eyebrow to a smirk, speak louder than anything he can actually say.)

The art continues to be great. I know there will be nitpicks among the fans about certain elements like the use of the bionic eye, but I know that James and artist Juanan Ramirez are working to fix this.

All in all, the second issue is as strong as the first issue and that makes me look forward even more to the third issue. Roll on to the third!

John S. Drew

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